Offers On Products

This would be a great feature where you allow buyers to make "offers" on products just like you can on eBay. It could be simple for the first implementation where they can just submit a one time offer for say 24 hours and the seller can either accept or reject. Ultimately would be great if there was the ability to send a counter offer. We currently use "Make an Offer" Shopify app that accomplishes this for our own products, however, it does not work for other vendors on the platform. All of the offers come to us as the admin and that will not work. The attached screenshot shows you what a buyer would see and when they submit it collects there email address (which is nice for marketing purposes later). Seller receives the request and can approve it which sends a purchase link with discount and that is live for 24 or 48 hours depending on the setting so the buyer can purchase it at the offer price.

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In Review


💡 Feature Request


About 1 year ago


Benjamin Dias

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